Sadly, airline delays seem to be an expected part of travel these days. A friend of mine and her son set off on a 3-week trip that required them to pack for two different seasons. The bad news? Their plane was delayed by 12 hours and all the passengers had to wait in the airport with no access to their checked luggage. The good news? My friend and her son had packed for this big trip in carry-on bags, so they sailed off the plane knowing they had everything they needed with them!
Yes, it’s possible to pack only in carry-on bags, even for long trips. My family and I always travel only with carry-on bags. I once packed our family of four in two carry-on bags for a 2-month stay in Italy. With just a carry-on bag:
“But how can I possibly pack everything in a carry-on bag when I need wardrobe options and my 5-part skincare regimen?” you ask. Answer: you can’t.
Are you ready for summer fun? Get organized, and you will be prepared to take off on an adventure whenever the opportunity strikes!
Do you ever feel that you want to take advantage of the excellent summer weather, but there’s simply too much in your way to make it happen? Maybe your house is disorganized, and you feel like you wouldn’t be able to catch up on the housework when you get back? Perhaps you can’t find the things you need, so you waste time searching—Where did we store the picnic blanket?—or buying things over and over again—I can’t find the sunblock, so we’ll just stop by the store and buy more. By the end of the summer, when kids are headed back to school, and the warm weather is waning, will you look back wistfully and wish you’d had more fun? This year, say yes to adventure with the confidence that you are organized enough to make it happen. I just got back from a great vacation, so here's a post inspired by my trip.
Here are my top 3 tips on packing your clothes for a trip:
November 2024
Copyright © 2024 Kate Bosch Professional Organizing LLC
Providence, Rhode Island | 401-699-4878