Is your laundry a seemingly-insurmountable pile? Does it feel never-ending? You do the laundry and there’s another pile forming before you’ve even put away the last load! You can do this! Here are my Top 5 Pro Organizer Tips for making laundry manageable. 1. DAILY LAUNDRY Just like you do dishes every day (You do, right?), do a load of laundry every day. You’ll stay on top of it and the piles won’t even have time to form. Don’t have enough laundry to do it daily? Use your hamper as a guide and do a load as soon as the hamper is close to full, not overflowing. 2. COMPLETE LAUNDRY
Get it into your head that “doing laundry” equals doing the WHOLE thing: washing, drying, folding, and putting away. This avoids masses of clothes sitting around, causing more work for you because they’re so wrinkled. PRO TIP: Do you habitually forget to move the laundry to the next stage (washer to dryer, or dryer to folding)? Set a phone reminder. “Hey Siri, in one hour remind me to put the laundry in the dryer.”
I have a confession: For the past 6 years, I’ve rented a storage unit. OK, technically I didn’t rent it, my husband did. His original impetus was good. He’s an artist and he had work coming back from a show, but no space in his studio because he was busy making new work. So he thought he’d get a small storage unit for a few months until he could move the art to another gallery. Months turned into a year, then two, then six. The art market shifted — and a worldwide pandemic shut down the gallery scene — and the shows he hoped to get didn’t happen. But the storage rental continued. This is how it happens with storage units. We think it’s a short-term place to stash some extra stuff, but since the bills are paid automatically and it’s out of sight, it’s too easy to forget about what we squirreled away. Watch my podcast episode:HOW BIG IS THE PROBLEM?
If you see yourself in my situation, know that you’re not alone. There are over 51,000 storage facilities in the US. That’s more facilities (not individual storage units) than McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts combined. “How long will it take for me to get organized?” As a Certified Professional Organizer®, I get this question a lot.
Remember, your home didn’t get disorganized in one day, and it’s not going to get fixed in one day! How long your organizing project will take depends on 4 factors. 1. HOW QUICKLY DO YOU MAKE DECISIONS? If you need to reminisce and tell the story of each item before deciding whether or not to keep it or where to put it, the organizing process is going to go pretty slowly. If, on the other hand, you set some pre-decision guidelines, your project will pick up speed. You know you need to let go of excess stuff. You even read my 3 Sticking Points blog and now you want to let it go. But actually getting rid of it seems overwhelming and you just can’t bring yourself to do it. I know that feeling! Before I was a professional organizer, I was a milliner (a hat maker). Immersing myself in the world of millinery design, I had amassed quite a collection of wooden hat blocks, the molds on which I formed hats by hand. I scoured thrift shops, scrolled eBay, and searched for block makers around the world to build my collection. This fall — after not working as a professional milliner for over a decade — I made up my mind to reduce my collection, keeping only as many as I need to fuel my hobby. In my last blog, I outlined the 3 Sticking Points — Emotional, Practical, and Financial — that hold us back from detaching from our excess stuff. These hat blocks hit all three sticking points for me! But after confronting the reasons for holding on, I faced another hurdle: How do I actually get rid of them? Once you find your sticking points, you need a KEY to unlock the clutter! The Keys to Unlock Your Clutter
= The actions you take to address your Sticking Points (emotional, practical, and financial) and let the clutter go. This September, I realized it was time. Past time, really.
I eyed the three long shelves stretching across the back wall of my craft room, piled with over 60 hat blocks I had collected in my previous profession as a milliner. These blocks had been the tools of my trade. Hand-stretching a felt or straw over each wooden form makes a unique hat. Some blocks were antiques I’d scored on eBay or thrift shops and others I’d watched being hand-carved by an artisan in Florence. “I’m a professional organizer now,” I told myself. I make myself a hat every now and then, but I have no desire to be a professional milliner again. So why was I having such a hard time letting go of these hat blocks? As we wind down 2023 and look ahead to a new year unfolding, I looked back to see which of my blogs resonated the most with readers.
Turns out, the 3 most popular blogs had a similar theme: helping you develop the mindset and give you the steps YOU need to tackle ANY organizing project. Each of these blogs will help you finish 2023 STRONG! “What’s the hot toy the kids want this Christmas?”
“What size clothes do they fit into now?” “What do you want for your birthday?” My family is blessed with generous, far-flung relatives who thoughtfully want to give my kids (and my husband and me) wonderful gifts. But fielding all of these questions for every holiday and event was more than I could manage. Then I had to remember which gift idea I’d given to which relative. Not to mention the added dread of new toys and stuff flooding into a home that I’d tried so hard to keep organized. THE SOLUTION? WISH LISTS! People register for weddings, kids send their lists to Santa, Amazon even has a list option. So why not keep an ongoing wish list that relatives could consult for any gift-giving occasion? I started keeping a Wish List for each of my family members and soon my whole extended family jumped on board. But I know what you’re thinking... Barbara* and I were sitting at her kitchen table considering how to tackle several stacks, baskets, and folders full of old papers. “Do you know what my therapist said to me?” she asked. “She said, ‘What’s the worst that could happen if you just shredded the whole pile?’”
“But I just can’t do that,” she said with a wide-eyed look of horror. “I just CAN’T!” Barbara likes to be on top of things in her life, but in the past few years, she had lost a loved one, moved into a smaller place, and weathered the pandemic. Understandably, the paperwork (bills, receipts, tasks, notes, etc.) had just gotten away from her. “Well, technically, you can, right?” I gently asked Barbara. “I mean, you’re physically capable of throwing them away. It’s really that you don’t want to." "You’re a very conscientious person and that pile represents things you feel you should do, know about, or save. You want to be a person who takes care of your incoming papers, but life got stressful and the papers piled up. Now you have a backlog to deal with and you’re anxious about handling it the right way.” Barbara nodded. “That’s right,” she said. “I like to take care of things in a certain way. I like to be aware of what’s coming in and make sure I’m doing things the right way.” “So,” I asked, “If you don’t want to throw all the papers away without looking through them, what do you want to do instead?” ✔️ Backpack ✔️ Notebooks ✔️ #2 pencils If you're just checking off the school supply list, you're missing the most important back-to-school prep that you can do for your student. I interviewed expert Student Coach Leslie Josel of Order Out of Chaos who says the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do to get ready for school is to help your student learn the organizational skill of Time Management. Students need to SEE their time so they can manage their time. If you struggle with time management and distractibility, you'll find lots of ideas in our discussion that will help you get a handle on your time. Watch the video for all the great tips and information. Send your students back to school with the supplies they really need! Use my affiliate link,, to access all of the great FREE resources and products (20% off through 9/30 with code PLANNER20) at Order Out of Chaos.
While you're there, be sure to sign up for Leslie's free Back-to-School Webinar on August 22. If you can't watch it live, register and get the recording to watch later that week. Check out the recent Redfin article I was featured in: Organizing Mistakes: 27 Slip-Ups to Avoid During Your Next Project | Redfin
Organizing is difficult and can be a stressful, time-consuming project. It’s also an essential skill that can increase your physical and emotional health. Chances are, though, that during an organizing project, you made a few mistakes. While it's natural to feel disappointed or frustrated when mistakes occur, it's important to recognize them as valuable learning opportunities rather than failures. So, whether you live in a house in Brentwood, CA, or a Greenville, SC, apartment, these expert-backed tips are sure to make your life easier. Read on for 27 organizing mistakes to avoid during your next decluttering project. Read the full article here: Organizing Mistakes: 27 Slip-Ups to Avoid During Your Next Project | Redfin |
February 2025
Copyright © 2025 Kate Bosch Professional Organizing LLC
Providence, Rhode Island | 401-699-4878